Den Leader Expectations:
Training – Pack 250 requires all leaders, assistant leaders, committee members and adults who work with children to take the Youth Protection Training (YPT). YPT is designed to help keep our youth safe from abuse. Pack 250 also recommends all Den leaders and Assistant Leaders to take Fast Start Training and Den Specific Training. You may take these courses online. Once training is complete print a copy of the training certificate and return the certificate to Committee Chair, Diem Ngo.
Den Meetings – All Pack 250 den meetings should begin with a flag ceremony with the pledge followed by the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack and Cub Scout motto. You may refer to the Den Meeting Plan outline in your binders. Submit a copy of your completed den calendar for the year to the Pack Secretary, Tammy Forsyth.
Den Meeting Locations – Den meetings may be held at the den leader or assistant den leader’s home. Alternatively, parents can take turns hosting a meeting. The pack can rent rooms for den meetings but the cost would have to be paid out of den dues.
Den Dues – These dues would cover the costs of supplies, food, meeting room rentals, or other costs associated with den meetings. Each den has their own unique way of collecting the dues. You may choose to collect them meeting by meeting or a one-time up-front fee. This will vary year to year based upon the rank requirements.
Attendance – Keep track of attendance at Pack, Den meetings and outings. Leaders must submit to Pack Committee Chair, Kala Surprenant, upon request.
Advancement & Awards – Parents and Den Leaders should work together to keep track of the requirements/achievements each Scout completes. The Pack 250 calendar lists due dates for parents and leaders to submit reports. The Pack 250 secretary, will send email reminders. Parents report to Den Leaders and Den Leaders submit a report to the Advancement Chair, Suzanne Redman.
Tiger, Wolf and Bear Den Leaders will receive Immediate Recognition Kits in the beginning of the year. Major badges (Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Webelos Pins, Arrow of Light, Sports and Academic Belt loops and Pins) will be awarded at pack meetings on a rotating schedule – please refer to the Pack 250 calendar for dates. A fundamental purpose of advancement is the knowledge and self-confidence a boy acquires from his participation in a den and pack. We at Pack 250 encourage immediate recognition of achievements, some of which can be done at the den level. It is encouraged that at each den meeting boys who have received any sort of bead, patch etc., other than the major badges listed above, should be acknowledged without delay. (See BSA Advancement Goals Policy – ). In addition, per the BSA Advancement Policies #33088, p. 21): Parents of Cub Scouts should understand their role and responsibilities in their son’s advancement. For the boy to receive maximum benefit and growth from his advancement, the adult’s standard should be based on the Cub Scout motto,”Do your Best”.
When reporting to the advancement chair, the name, award and date completed are the required information. It is not necessary to report the complete dates of each individual achievement, only the badge completion date. For example, the Wolf Badge has 12 achievements required. The Den Leader will track each of those 12 achievements but only report the date fully completed to the advancement chair.
Scout Behavior – Each Scout will have to sign the Behavior Expectation form. Den Leaders will keep these forms.
Scout Uniform – The BSA has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment. Pack 250 expects all Scouts and Leaders to come to den and pack meetings and outings in Pack 250 required uniform: Scout hat, kerchief & slide, Blue Scout shirt (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos 1) (Tan shirt Webelos 1 & 2), with appropriate patches, and jeans or blue pants or shorts, no sweats or athletic shorts.
Den Leader Uniforms – Den Leader uniforms consist of the tan adult shirt with blue shoulder loops and the following patches; NCAC Council, red pack #’s ‘250’, world crest, and the leader’s patch.
Parent Participation– Cub Scouting is a program for the entire family, and parent involvement is vital to the program’s success. Tiger Parent(s) must attend all pack and den meetings with their scout. At Pack 250 we encourage all parents to attend meetings and outing with their scout. Cub Scouting is not a drop off program. It provides a positive way for parent and son to grow closer together, and encourages you to spend quality time together. Den Leaders should review parent and scout expectations at den meetings.
Volunteerism – Pack 250 encourages all parents to help volunteer at pack or den meetings. The pack has many opportunities to volunteer and one is an Event coordinator.
Den Leaders are encouraged to seek assistance from the cubmaster, other den leaders, committee members, etc. with questions and guidance.
Den Leader Online Resources:
Advancement Tracking:
Tracking spreadsheets for rank advancement, attendance, Sports & Academics Program, etc.
Many, many resources on this website, including worksheets for Webelos badges.