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Committee Member Roles


Duration: Full Year 


  • Must take the online Leader Position-Specific – Cubmaster training, Cubmaster Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • At least 21 years old. 
  • Attend Pack Committee Meetings. 
  • Effective communicator and comfortable public speaker. 
  • Access to computer & email. 


Cubmaster is the visible focal point for the pack, responsible for creating a positive, fun experience. Cubmaster is the primary advocate for the boys. 

  • Serve as Master of Ceremonies for monthly pack meetings. 
  • Planning the pack programs with the help of the other leaders. 
  • With Committee Chair, using the support of the committee to plan a year-long program for Pack meetings. 
  • Guiding, supporting, motivating, and inspire the other adult leaders. Make sure they receive training and recognition for their positions. 


  • Opportunity to make major positive impact on the kids in the community. 
  • Active role in defining pack schedule and program. 
  • Social interaction in your community. 
  • You get to see the glimmer in their eyes and hear the giggles as you act like a total goof. 

Assistant Cubmaster:

Duration: Full Year 


  • Must take the online Leader Position-Specific – Cubmaster training, Cubmaster Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Attend Pack Committee Meetings. 
  • At least 21 years old. 
  • Effective communicator and comfortable public speaker. 
  • Access to computer & email. 


Assistant Cubmaster is the Cubmaster’s visible companion and backup, filling in as focal point for the pack when Cubmaster is not available.  Also shares responsibility for Cub Scout Membership with Assistant Committee Chair. 

  • Assist the Cubmaster as needed. 
  • Work with the pack committee to develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys. 
  • Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee on pack re-registration. 
  • Work with the pack committee on outings to see that the pack qualifies for the National Summertime Pack Award.Every pack should have at least one assistant Cubmaster. In most packs, two or three will be helpful, allowing for division of responsibilities. 


  • Be recognized in the community as supporting our kids and providing a quality program. 
  • If Cubmaster is acting like a total goofball for the kids, you get to participate either as straight man, or as another goofball. 

Pack Committee Chair:

Duration: Full Year 


  • At least 21 years old. 
  • Must take the online Leader Position-Specific – Pack Committee training, Pack Committee Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Good delegator and organizer. 
  • Effective communicator. 
  • Access to computer & email preferred. 


Committee chair is the chief organizer, responsible for proactively monitoring the details of pack operations. Committee chair is the primary advocate for the program, while Cubmaster is the primary advocate for the boys. 

  • Attend Basic Cub Scout Leader training, pack committee Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for the position. 
  • Supervises annual Pack Program Planning meeting to develop a year-long Pack Program Plan. 
  • Responsible for all necessary “paperwork” including new membership enrollment, adult leadership enrollment, Boy’s Life subscriptions and re-chartering. 
  • Works closely with Cubmaster to support pack program. 
  • Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative, keeping this key person informed of the needs of the pack that must be brought to the attention of the organization or the district. 
  • Report to the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations. 
  • Confer with the Cubmaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization. 
  • Supervise pack committee operation by: Calling and presiding at pack leaders’ meetings; Assigning duties to committee members; Planning for pack charter review, roundup, and re-registration; Approving bills before payment by the pack treasurer. 
  • Work with the chartered organization representative to provide adequate and safe facilities for pack meetings. 
  • Maintain adequate pack records and take care of pack property. 
  • If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered. 
  • Appoint a committee member or other registered adult to be responsible for Youth Protection training. 
  • Prepare re-registration papers and an annual report to the chartered organization. Secure signatures and registration fees for the coming year. 
  • Ask the chartered organization representative to submit a charter application and annual report to the chartered organization for approval. 
  • Help the Cubmaster and chartered organization representative plan and conduct the formal charter presentation. 
  • Conduct an annual census of boys in the chartered organization for systematic recruitment. Work with pack committee members to promote recruitment plans. 
  • Work with the Cubmaster in following up on former pack members who are now Boy Scouts and potential den chiefs. 
  • Follow up on Cub Scout dropouts to help return them to full, active membership. 


  • Opportunity to make major positive impact on the kids in the community. 
  • A major influencer of pack schedule and program. 
  • Social interaction in your community. 


Duration: Full Year (possibly two years) 

Due the budgeting process, the closing out of the year and getting signature approval at the bank, it would be good to have this person make a two year commitment. 


  • Must take Cub Scout leader training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Experience with basic budgets. 
  • Computer with email access and experience with spreadsheet software strongly preferred. 


  • Develop with committee support, a sound financial program for the pack with a pack budget plan. 
  • Approve all budget expenditures and maintain accurate records. 
  • Open or maintain a bank account in the pack’s name and arrange for all transactions and arrange for all transactions to be signed by any two of the Cubmaster, pack committee chair, secretary, or treasurer. 
  • Collect dues. 
  • Report on the pack’s financial condition at committee meetings. 
  • Maintain up-to-date Pack Property Inventory. 


  • Provide tangible stewardship of Pack’s solvency and viability. 


Duration:  Full Year 


  • Must take the online Leader Position-Specific – Pack Committee training, Pack Committee  Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Attend Pack Committee Meetings. 
  • Good note taker. 


  • Keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records, and forms to help leaders function effectively. Help new den leaders by telling them what resources are available. 
  • Maintain up-to-date information on membership, leadership, attendance, and advancement in the Pack Record Book. 
  • Maintain membership records and list. 
  • Collect applications. forms and fees and pass onto proper Pack Committee members.  
  • Maintain an inventory of pack property. 
  • Handle correspondence for the pack. This may include writing letters of appreciation and requests for reservations, or ordering supplies through the local council service center. 
  • Keep notes on business conducted at pack leaders’ meetings. Record only key items such as things needing follow-up or items for the history of the pack. 
  • Notify leaders of pack leaders’ meetings and other activities. 
  • Provide den leaders with records and forms for meetings. 

Advancement Chair:

Duration:  Full Year 


  • Must take the online Internet Advancement training, Leader Position-Specific – Pack Committee training, Pack Committee Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Attend Pack Committee Meetings. 
  • Comfortable with award ceremonies. 


Coordinate all achievement and award activity for the pack.  Also, maintain the records of awards and minutes. 

  • Understand Cub Scout and Webelos Advancement plus train parents and leaders on advancement. 
  • Collect Den Advancement reports, order and assemble appropriate badges for pack meetings. 
  • Maintain all computer and paper records of past and present scout advancements. 
  • Provide lists as needed for award ceremonies.  Computer generated reports often suffice. 
  • Work closely with Cubmaster to support advancement ceremonies. 


  • Learn the boys’ names, and gain insight into their special interests and accomplishments. 

Hospitality Chair:

Duration:  Full Year 


  • Must take the online Leader Position-Specific – Pack Committee training, Pack Committee  Fast Start Training and Youth Protection Training. 
  • Attend Pack Committee Meetings. 


  • Coordinate food sales at Pack Meetings. 
  • Assist the Blue & Gold Potluck Coordinator. 
  • Purchase and maintain a supply of paper goods for Pack meetings. 
  • Coordinate drink and dessert donations for Pack meetings.