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Many hands make light work and Pack 250 has many roles to fill to help make everything run smoothly. Some roles require a full year commitment while other roles involve a smaller amount of time (coordinating a single pack event for example). Each adult pack member is required to fulfill at least one volunteer opportunity throughout the scouting year. Volunteer needs are as follows:

Single Event Coordinators needed for the following events:

  • Scout Skills Coordinator*
  • Family Camping Coordinator*
  • Cubanapolis
  • Engineering / Craftsman Event
  • Blue and Gold Dinner / Arrow of Light Ceremony
  • Raingutter Regatta
  • Pinewood Derby
  • Bridging Ceremony and BBQ

*description and more info noted below

Scout Skills Coordinator:


Oversee and coordinate Scout Skills at the September Meeting. Scout Skills is held in conjunction with parent orientation and scout sign up. 

  • Develop and coordinate 5 to 7 activity centers for scout to rotate through. 
  • Coordinate with Den Leaders to oversee individual centers. 
  • Organize set up and secure volunteers for the event. 
  • Secure Den Chiefs (Boy Scouts) to assist Den Leaders at Centers. 
  • Coordinate with the hospitality chair for refreshments for the meeting. 

Family Camping Coordinator:


Oversee and coordinate family camping outings of one night in the fall and spring.  Coordinate activities, food and supplies. 

  • Secure camping sites. 
  • Coordinate family sign up and fee collection. 
  • Plan meals and coordinate sign up for food. 
  • Send out list of individual supplies needed for family campers. 
  • Secure firewood. 
  • Maintain a checklist to pass on to next coordinator. 

Little Bennett Campground 

BSA Camping Guidelines 

Individual Campout Checklist for Pack Overnighter 

Essentials for Outdoors 

Pack Photographer:

Duration: Full Year 


Take digital photographs during the majority of pack events, or arrange for alternate photographer when not available. 

  • Save and archive photos for Website, Event Communication, Newsletter, Recruiting, etc. 
  • Develop an annual slideshow for May Campfire. 

Fall Fitness Coordinator:


Oversee the Fall Fitness program. Fall Fitness is held at Balboa Park.   Scouts, by Den, rotate between 5 to 7 different fitness activities.  There is usually 1 to 2 activities involving the whole Pack. 

  • Develop and coordinate 5 to 7 activity centers for scout to rotate through. 
  • Develop 1 to 2 activities for the entire pack 
  • Coordinate with Den Leaders to oversee individual centers. 
  • Organize set up and secure volunteers for the event. 
  • Secure Den Chiefs (Boy Scouts) to assist Den Leaders at Centers. 
  • Coordinate with the hospitality chair for refreshments for the meeting. 
  • Secure proper equipment for the event. 

·         Maintain equipment throughout the year and pass on to the next year’s coordinator. This is the Fall Fitness Page